Welcome to the Harvard CS advising website!
To declare a CS concentration, please see this page. We highly recommend you read our FAQ and perhaps reach out to one of our peer concentration advisors. You should also consider joining the Harvard CS Undergraduate Piazza board.
Integer Overflow: Harvard CS is growing and so are our course numbers! To avoid reuse of numbers for courses that change over time, 3-digit COMPSCI numbers are changing to 4-digit COMPSCI numbers for Fall 2024 onward. (1-digit and 2-digit COMPSCI numbers are unchanged.) To most 3-digit COMPSCI numbers, we have simply appended a 0, but a few courses have changed otherwise, per this mapping. For some time, it should still be possible to search https://my.harvard.edu/ by courses’ old numbers.
This website contains information relevant to current Harvard College students that are studying computer science as a primary, secondary, or joint concentration, or are interested in doing so. It is maintained by the Harvard CS DUS Team.
The following websites contain more information about Harvard, Computer Science, and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences: The Computer Science Area website contains information about research areas, faculty, and administration in computer science at Harvard. The Harvard admissions website contains information about applying to study at Harvard. Information for prospective undergrads interested in the School Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) can be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions on concentrating in Computer Science at Harvard.
Concentration Information, including requirements, how to declare, and combining with CS with other areas.
Advising information, including how academic advisors are assigned, the role of academic advisors, and info about Peer Concentration Advisors.
Research Opportunities, including more info about a Senior Thesis in CS, and CS 91r (Supervised Reading and Research).
How to Get Involved in the Harvard CS community.
Additional Resources for CS concentrators and pre-concentrators, including course listings and links to useful guides, forums, and mailing lists.
Forms for your Plan of Study, CS 91r, and requesting a specific CS concentration advisor.